
Functional process

Break up with punch cards, timesheets, and long days of calculating everyone’s hours. With our Leave and attendance software, employees punch in and out right on the software home screen or on their phones, edit their hours, and track the time they’ve worked on specific projects or tasks. Managers approve timesheets with the click of a button, and the software keeps everyone up to date with automatic reminders. No more forgotten entries, inaccurate payroll, or broken hearts.


Attendance Policy

Late arrival Policy: It has been observed that many employees come to work lately in the morning. Need to ensure timely attendance at work. Everyone should be regular in the office.
Leave cut for late arrival: Any organization will be able to set any leave arrangement for its employees to come to the office late. More over, due to late arrival of employees in the office, arrangements can be made to cut off the day off.
Last/half day attendance/Full-time attendance: Where ever the company arrives at the office in the morning for his employees, it can be set that the employee’s office will be consider of late. Arriving at the office in the morning can be set as a holiday you arrive at the office in the morning. You can set the whole day to be considered as a holiday.


Common Benefits Of Digital Attendance Management

This solution will work seamlessly with the supplied biometric device allowing face, fingerprint, smart card authentication and web.

Attendance information is recorded in co-ordination with external system.

Daily attendance data information from the integrated system is recorded in the database system to identify attendance.

Repeated warning notifications are available for employees due to persistent adsenses.

There is a system to send auto reminders to absent employees.

There is a system to mail the record of monthly total absence of the employees every month.

Abscond process to be initiated for employees for consecutive absenteeism

Monthly reminders through mails for consolidated absents for the month

Auto tagging of holidays for new joined employee