
Functional process

A digital employee file, can help your people team take their work to the next level. That’s because it is a sustainable, secure, and successful way to store employee data. This way, whether you’re in the office or working remotely, you always have the information you need within only a few clicks. The result is greater access, greater efficiency, with the confidentiality you always need. This is especially true when it comes to digitizing your HR, as you migrate all of your employee data into one central, secure, and digital location. A digital Employee file is an electronically-stored collection of data related to a specific employee. It typically includes all data relevant to an employee’s service, contract, career, life, and health while at work. It is essentially any given employee, at a glance.


A Digital employee file should be

Typically, an employee file will include everything from a CV and relevant recruitment-related information such as an employment contract, to documents related to salaries, tax, annual leave, benefits, performance, and even KPIs.

  • Recruiting information
  • Job applications
  • Job Description
  • Medical and sick leave data.
  • Benefits information – provident fund & pension details.
  • Work anniversaries – start date, end of probation date, years of service
  • Payroll information – salary slips
  • Annual leave and long-term leave accrual
  • Rewards and achievement recognition records
  • Resignation or retirement-related documentation

Common Benefits Of Digital Employee Files

Depending on where your company is currently at, here are just some of the benefits you can reap when you implement digital Employee files effectively

Save time (and costs): Especially when processing employee files.

Get rid of the old boxes of paper: Be more sustainable, get more space, and save money instead of paying for expensive archiving space.

Work more collaboratively: Benefit from cross-departmental process optimization.

Use the data to get better and better: Gain insights at the click of a button and use it to create new, or improve existing, HR initiatives.

Improved data security: Thanks to smart rights management systems.

Manage, retain, or delete documents easily: In line with your relevant regional retention obligations.

Trust that you have the right version: Easily see the relevant, updated documents.

Allow employees to self-serve: You get more accurate data and save time at the same time.

Retain (or delete) documents easily: In line with relevant retention obligations.